In this article you will learn what are shin splints.
Shin splints are categorized as pain in the front part of the lower leg, the “shin bone” also known as the tibia bone. Another name for shin splints is front compartmental syndrome that often arises in people that run a lot and dance. Often shin splints occur because of high impact movements from jumping repeatedly or running motions.
There are some simple solutions to recovering from shin splints as well as to help prevent them from happening in the first place. Whether you have had them or not, you most likely know that shin splints are painful and can become a persistent problem if you do not have the proper medical plan.
???? Pain during exercise but stops once you finish.
???? Persistent pain even when you aren’t exercising means you should consult a physician for a proper assessment.
???? Rest to allow inflammation to lower.
???? Ice it often in the acute stage.
???? Use Advil to help with swelling and pain.
???? Stretch your calf muscles often to reduce tightness and pulling of tendons on the tibia bone.
???? Incorporate strength training into your fitness routine.
???? Avoid overdoing it and activities with high impact to your legs.
???? Wear the proper footwear for your needs.
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