Questions to Ask Yourself When Starting a Fitness Program

It is very important to sit down and put pen to paper so that you can mentally organize your action plan to become fit. Our amazing personal trainers always encourage their clients to ask themselves these three questions when starting out a new routine. This process really helps getting you started on the right foot and to be focused on your intentions. These questions are great to look back on and ask yourself throughout your journey because it will be encouraging to see you accomplish what you have set out but also re-focus you if you have been inconsistent with your program.

1- Why am I doing this? List as many reasons as you want but try to be precise and honest to yourself when answering.

2- What am I willing to do and change to achieve my goals? This question can be very overwhelming but if you start with some small but REALISTIC changes in the beginning, then it becomes much more manageable to do.

3- I might sabotage my fitness and health goals by? Only you can answer this question because you know yourself best. Think back to obstacles in the past that have deterred you from achieving your goals. This can be a very powerful realization when you see it written out in front of you.

If you are interested in discussing tips like this in more detail or would like some of the written tools that we use for our clients, please contact us today for more information.

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