In this blog we will outline some pros and cons of intermittent fasting that we learnt from an article written by Registered Dietician Abby Langer. Intermittent fasting is a popular dietary plan that has shown promise but it is important to be aware of some important facts before deciding to start any dietary change. Below you will find some of the things to be aware of and we urge you to do what is best for your specific needs.
An effective way to help with cutting calories to encourage weight loss (all dietary changes rely on this concept of calorie cutting)
8:16 fasting rule is the most realistic approach for the majority of people. 8 hour window of eating and a 16 hour window of not eating.
Some studies have shown a reduced risk of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.
Agressive Intermittent Fasting like the 5:2 rule can affect your energy levels and make your workouts suffer.
The ability to plan social functions can be annoying and cause anxiety if you are wanting to enjoy some food or a drink with friends and family.
It is not safe for someone who is an insulin-dependent diabetic, the elderly, children, has an eating disorder, pregnant or breast feeding.
Teaches you to not listen to your internal hunger signals (depending on which rule you are following).
It is very important to remember with any dietary change that you should be doing it for your specific needs and goals. Not because it worked for a friend or it is the popular diet of the day. Be sure to do your homework and ask a professional before starting a new dietary change of any kind.
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